Top Secret Advanced Military Weapons

Top 10 real life Weapons, soldiers and military robots from the future!

10 secret advanced military Weapons
Every year, nations around the world each spend billions of dollars on defense. When combined, total world spending on military forces is estimated by some experts as surpassing $1.7 billion in 2014. That’s a lot of money and the figures don’t look like they will drop off over the coming years. National rivalries, arms races and breakthroughs in weapons development all mean the final bill a nation is expected to pay only gets bigger and bigger.

It’s not hard to figure out who some of the top spenders are when it comes to military budgets. Head and shoulders above everyone else in this respect is the United States. The USA spends around $600 billion a year on its military. Not only is that three to four times more than the next closest spender – China – that’s also more than the next several highest spenders added together. The War on Terror, regular upgrades to weapons systems and the ongoing competition with China and Russia all fuel this massive spending spree. Indeed, many nations on this planet have some sort of military rivalry with a neighbor which fuels spending and development of large armed forces.

Apart from simply buying fleets of tanks, planes and ballistic missiles, the massive military budgets of the world’s armed forces are also used to develop new and high-tech weapons. These secret and futuristic weapons take years of testing and development and sometimes never even make it to production. So why spend so much on something which you may never use? It all comes down to maintaining a technological edge over your rivals. Many futuristic weapons never leave the prototype stage because they are not practical for the time or there is a lack of funding. However, sometimes a secret and high-tech weapon can come along at the right moment when the funding is right, the need is there and the weapon in question is practical. Think robotics, stealth technology and laser weapons.

The following video takes a look at some of the most secret and high-tech weapons currently being developed or entering service in the military. These projects have required billions of dollars in spending and decades of research and development to reach the point where theory and concepts become reality. Ahead you’ll find everything from laser weapons to ‘death-ray’ emitters to creations which will make you think of the Terminator films. Yes, in many cases the science-fiction of the 1960s, 70s and 80s is beginning to take on a very real, and sometimes scary, reality when it comes to what the military is rolling out next. The concepts behind some of these weapons aren’t very new and you might, at first, think they aren’t very high-tech and secret. Laser weapons are a perfect example. Just keep in mind that the weaponized lasers of today are far different from the early military lasers which were relatively weak and bulky and severely limited in their ability to destroy objects.

Electromagnetic Gun
ADAPTIV Cloaking
Laser-Guided Bullets
The Active Denial System
The Hypersonic Strike Missile
The LS3

Discovery. Beyond weapons. Military robots. Drones, Ships – scouts.

Russian Audio!

Middle Ages:

At the beginning of the weapon is not too different from the previous period. Then came the heavily armed knights, and accordingly took a weapon that can deal with them. Therefore, the end of the Middle Ages was marked by the advent of firearms. The main types of weapons in this period were: cold melee weapons, thrown weapons, as well as fire and siege weapons. From a cold steel the most common are swords, daggers and spears. In addition, there are a variety of swords, swords, rapiers, and so on. N. From throwing weapons were distributed bows and slingshots, crossbows appeared. By the firearms which appeared in the period include muskets, arquebuses, food, as well as guns and bombard. Siege weapons as well as in the previous period has been presented ballistae, catapults and battering rams.

New time:

During this period, a firearm is improved, there is a division on the hand weapons and artillery. During the Napoleonic wars, serious changes in the weapons did not happen. But later the American Civil War gave impetus to the modernization of existing weapons. Increased rate of fire and range of firearms. There are machine guns. During the Boer War armored become applicable. The First World War was used chemical weapons, aircraft and tanks. The war at sea as there are new types of weapons, such as for example mines and torpedoes. Begin used submarines.


There is a further improvement of weapons. Especially it flowed during the Second World War. On land theaters began to play a decisive role tanks and aircraft. The tanks of infantry support tools became an independent branch of service, who played a crucial role in many battles. Aviation finally divided into fighter and bomber, and bombing (including peaceful cities that are far beyond the front line) have become increasingly important. From small arms gained a lot of popularity machines. At sea, it increased the role of the submarine fleet. The importance of purchased aircraft carriers. This period is the first use of nuclear weapons. For delivery starting to use missiles.

Interesting … Military Police Training to Drive Armored Vehicles on Civilian Streets


Interesting place to train,and more intersting as to why they need training of that sort. This exercise will run from June 21-28 in St. Louis. Presence of tanks will be most noticeable in the area of the sixth district.


“Sightings of vehicles provokes fears of martial law”

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 22, 2012

St Louis City residents have been warned to not be alarmed at the sight of U.S. Army tanks rolling down residential neighborhoods after sightings of the vehicles provoked fears of martial law.

The exercise is part of a U.S. Army program run by military police from Fort Meade, Maryland focused around training MPs from St. Louis how to drive heavily armored tanks “on highways and on city streets.”

Sightings of the tanks prompted hundreds of residents to flood news channel KSDK’s Facebook page, with some expressing fears that martial law had arrived with others promising to “stop and salute” the tanks as they rolled by.

Reporting that he was told by the Army not to disclose the location of where the exercise was operating out of for “security reasons,” KSDK reporter Casey Nolan downplayed the exercise as “not such a big deal.”